January 11, 2012


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Today I took the day "off" of work.   I say that I had the day "off" because it was nothing like having a day off, but I did not go into the office.  NYR #9 was in full force today.  And, needless to say, it whopped my little arse. 

My morning started with taking Kaden to get tested for ADHD.  Now I know what a lot of you are probably saying because I have been saying the same thing for years.  I think this is a massively over-diagnosed disorder for which kids are just handed a bottle of pills and told to behave.  But here's the thing.  I've been told by every. single. teacher. that Kaden has ever had from kindergarten to his present fifth grade teachers that he cannot focus and is so smart (he scored higher than any other fifth grader on the math placement test!) and has the potential to be amazing at school, but he won't focus and thus becomes distracted, disruptive and gets bad grades.  

I have been very resistant to ADHD medication for some time now.  The biggest reason is because I don't want my kids to have the mentality of "something's wrong, I'll just take a pill."  Additionally, I don't want Kaden's personality to suffer and/or him to become dependent on this medication.  I have tried every. single. other. avenue.  I have given positive reinforcement for good grades, I have punished him (grounding, taking things away, etc.) for bad grades, I have put him in tutoring, I have changed his diets, I have given him a list of chores to do everyday (to help with routine and repetition).  Nothing has worked.

The doctor that I spoke with today, though, was very informative, understanding and was able to answer my questions and address my concerns while raising several points of her own.  She showed me the cause and effects of not taking/taking the medication.  She was great and I left feeling really good.  Kaden is going into middle school next year.  The work is going to get harder, but meanwhile in fifth grade, his grades are getting worse.   

Straight from that appointment, I went to the "lady doctor".  Then, I hopped immediately over to Urgent Care to have them take a peek at my horrifying throat.  Good news?  It's not strep or bronchitis.  Bad news?  It's a very bad virus.  This means no antibiotics, no real solution other than to wait it out.  Argh.  I went to Noodles for lunch.  I had soup and noodles.  It took me 40 minutes to consume 3/4 of it.  It's rough.   I feel like I am swallowing glass shards every time I swallow anything.  It hurts so bad that it is making my jaw hurt, making it impossible to chew and talk.  Sucks.    

Because I was feeling like ish all day, I was hoping that the one and a half hour "break" that I had between Urgent Care and picking up the kids for their dental appointments would result in napping or relaxing with some SATC episodes, recreational blogging and hot tea.  Unfortunately, that window shrunk before I knew it.  

How did the time shrink?, you ask.  Well, simple.  Lunch took way longer than expected.  Then I headed over to a place for OOTD pics.  A place I have had in mind to shoot at ever since my good luck shooting there this summer.  Well, as you can see, it snowed today.  Nay, it blizzard-ed this morning.  High winds, low temps, flurrying snow.  As I stopped at this spot, there was no one there.  The snow stopped, the clouds momentarily parted, the sun shone.  But, I realized that I had forgotten my camera.  So, I had to leave the spot, drive back across town, grab my camera and go back.  In the snow.  With a sore throat.  And forty things on the agenda.  Now that's hardcore.

Then it was dentist time for all three kids.  This meant I had to pick up both of the boys from school early and my daughter from day care and then go over to the dentist office so that they could see the dentist one at a time.  Luckily, the dentist, Helga, is pretty freaking awesome.  Not to mention, she looks like Pippy Longstocking.  Seriously.  

Then we went straight from the dentist to take the boys to Kumon.  Brielle and I had our normal Starbucks routine whilest waiting for the boys.  The baristas now know my order by heart: two venti white chocolate mochas (one for me right now, one for Patrick to be made before I leave Kumon), one pumpkin scone (Brielle) and two mini chocolate donuts (the boys).  That's talent people.

So let's look back on the negatives of the day.  For one, I had no "time off", even though it was a scheduled day off.  I felt like shit with my sore throat and fever.  It snowed and was blistering cold.  My daughter freaked out at the dentist (she loves Little Critter books and the one about going to the dentist includes Little Critter getting a shot, so she was nervous).  Conner had two cavities at the dentist.  I am starving because I have an appetite, but I cannot eat anything.  It snowed and I froze.

But, let's also go with NYR #10 and try to rework those as positives.  I became more educated and confident in my decision to have Kaden tested for ADHD.  I got a lot crossed off of my "I really need to . . ." list.  Kaden had no cavities at the dentist!   I was very much impressed with all the medical personnel I spoke with today.  I was not late to one single appointment.  I do not have strep throat.  I got my pictures taken when and how I wanted to despite illness or weather implications.  My kids were on the best, most loving, compliant, caring and fantastic behaviors all night.  They kept hugging me and telling me that they were sorry that my throat hurt and telling me that they loved me and helping each other and helping me pick up the house.  Not to mention that I got an extra few hours of time with them today than I normally would.  All in all, a pretty stellar day.

Sweater Wrap-either Kohl's or Wal-Mart; Blue Sequin Top-Forever 21; Skinny Distressed Jeans-Kohl's; Snakeskin Kitten Heels-Alfani, gifted; Necklace-vintage from Grandma; Earrings-gifted

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