December 31, 2011

In with the New

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As we get ready to enter the year 2012, I have thought of 12 goals to focus on in the new year.  They are:

12.  Keep up with my shopping ban.  Alright, so you caught me.  The dress and tights that I am wearing are new . . . and I also got a couple of more pairs of tights . . . and a sweater . . . and some oxfords . . . BUT I did use a gift card . . . though I went a smidge over my allowance on the gift card and they were all clearance items.   Though I am going to be very good until the wedding.  I have given my self clearance, however, if I happen to find the perfect cape or the perfect sleeveless trench.  But that's because I've been wanting those forever.

11.  Keep up with my quitting smoking.   Just because I haven't had a cigarette in about 10 days doesn't mean I'm out of the woods yet.  But, I hope to keep this habit licked in the new year.

10.  Think more positively.  This goes both for thinking more positively about myself and being optimistic . . . but realistic at the same time.

9.  Catch up on all the nagging little to-do's on my list. Like little cleaning projects, avoided doctor appointments and back yard maintenance.

8.  Fix up my blog page.  I am quite technically illiterate.  I use Blogger because it is easiest, but I don't know what to do with my layout (or how!!!).  This year, I hope to be able to seek out one of those blog layout gurus to spruce up my space.  Anyone have any good recommendations?

7.  (Really and truly) take up sewing and learn just how to work my machine.  Even though I took my sewing class back in October, I still don't know how to thread the bobin on my machine.  I still want to learn how to sew like a pro.  I mean, it's in my blood after all.  Since Pat got me a dress form for Christmas and the kids got me sewing patterns, I guess it's really time to hunker down and get 'er done.  (I promise to never use this expression again.)

6.  Take more pictures . . . and get a new camera (?).  I always take a lot of pictures every year, but I always push myself to take more the next year.  You can never have too many pictures.  Also, even though it is a far fetched dream, it would be AWESOME to get a "real" camera and/or lens at some point this year.

5.  Have more one on one time.  I am realizing more and more the older that I get (and Mama's gonna be 3-0 this year) the importance on one on one time.  This could be with one of my kids, with Patrick, with Matty or Chris or just one on one time with myself.  It is important and every time that I do it, I feel better about myself.

4.  Be a better budgeter and start keeping a check registry.  I know, I know, keeping track of your money should go without saying, but for the past few years I've been living so paycheck to paycheck that I often just kind of guesstimate what I have and what I can spend.  This year, though, I am going to be diligent about keeping track of my funds.

3.  Go on one adventure.  This may or may not include me letting Patrick take me camping again.  Or taking my kids to Fort Laramie, like my grandparents used to take me when I was little.  Or take the kids to the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo.

2.  Start a savings account.  This is going to be an expensive year with the wedding, but Patrick and I have also been trying to save up for a house as well.  I hope to be able to budge myself for wedding stuff and have a separate budget for the house.  Perhaps #12 and #11 will help me with this goal.

1.  Successfully have the wedding of my dreams on a budget without driving myself to an unrecognizable form of Bridezilla. 

Electric Blue Dress with Pockets and Mustard Tights-Xhiliration from Target; Pleather Buckled Boots-Payless; Earrings and Choker-vintage from Grandma; Knitted Hat-Forever 21; Floral Trench-Old Navy, thrifted

Today is your last chance . . .

Do you all remember the $20 discount to eShakti's online store that I recently featured ( remember this dress?)?  Well the kind folks of eShakti have decided to extend your ability to take advantage of  the discount code ROBIN0811. So if you missed it the first time, here's your second chance!  This code is valid through December 31, 2011 so don't delay if you are interested.  Second chances don't always come around this easy!

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