January 1, 2012

With a Bang

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Those of you who are avid Frannie Pantz readers might have noticed a little something different about my face the last two posts.  I got bangs.  Aaaaaand I love them.   However, my experience getting the bangs?  Not so much. 

So I only get to actually cut my hair once a year.  The reason being is that my hair is slightly obnoxious and it takes a salon to be able to control the curl and frizz properly.  This usually comes with a $50 price tag.  Because I am cheap and poor frugal, I can't afford to go as often as I should. 

My hair has been driving me batty the past few weeks (which is why you might have noticed an excessive bun motif round here).  I have had the same hair for about seven years now.  I knew I wanted something different.  

On Friday, while I was in major productive mode, I found a salon in Boulder that does a Happy Hour for haircuts wherein from 8 pm to 10 pm, the haircuts are $30 instead of $55.  I usually go down to a Denver salon to do my hair, but thought that for nearly half off, I could give this salon a go . . .

So here's the thing.  I don't want to get all "diva" or snobby or anything, but like I said, I only get to cut my hair once a year and the price I pay for a hair cut is fairly expensive (for me anyway).  So when I spend the money and take the time to go to a salon to get my hair cut, I expect certain things.  

First of all, I expect to have the stylist's attention.  When I got to said salon (let's just say it rhymes with "dings" for you locals), the stylist that was doing my hair was also finishing up a woman's highlights simultaneously.  So I had to wait in intervals to get my hair finished while she rinsed, shampooed and blow dried coloring lady.  Annnnnnd when I was nearly a third done with my actual cut, another girl came in with an appointment with the same lady!  So I got put on the back burner with the highlight lady and then rushed through the rest of my cut with the new girl.  

Not only that, but I don't know what it is about curly hair, but it tends to put the fear of God into every hair stylist I have ever encountered.  It's like it's a ticking time bomb and they don't want to do anything to piss it off.  I am always told about the restrictions of my hair when I go to get my hair cut.  

I told this woman when I went in that I'd had the same hair for years and I was ready for something new.  I said I either wanted bangs oooooorrrr short hair.  I've had shoulder length hair before and I understand that it would require me to straighten my hair nearly every day.  I get it.  But apparently this stylist thought it was completely out of the question to do with my hair.  So, fine, I will get the bangs.  

Well because the new girl walked in shortly after the stylist cut my bangs, my hope for shorter hair was completely out of the question.  Not only that, but usually, when I cut my hair in any fashion, I need to have layers put in or it gets crazy out of control.  We discussed this.  But then new girl walks in and that step was completely thrown out the window.  She cut off an inch.  I asked for more.  I got another inch.  By this time, I was done.   My bangs were swept off to the side by nature of my natural hair and the stylist said that there was nothing she could do about it, "they would just have to be trained in time", she said.

I was so bummed.  I came home defeated.  I had got what I paid for.  Even though I had gotten bangs, I got home and my hair looked completely the same as when I had left.   Now that two days has passed, I feel a little better about it.  I mean, clearly, I have learned to deal with the bangs and I really like them.  But as far as future cuts, I will stick to my Denver salon and skip out on the not-so-Happy Hour price. 

Pleather Leggings-Kohl's; Tan Sweater-Cherokee, thrifted; Red Peacoat-Kohl's; Studded Suede Moto Boots-Forever 21; Bag-Bebe, gifted; Earrings-gifted; Necklaces-Kohl's and gifted

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