January 7, 2012

Whoda Thunk It

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Have I mentioned that I am impulsive, impatient and ambitious?  Well, last night I decided that I really need to get on buying a dress, so this morning I Googled bridal consignment shops, found one in Lakewood and decided to run down there and start trying on dresses. 

I went alone for two reasons.  The first reason being that I went literally on a whim.  The second being that I have been keeping a lot of wedding decisions and to-do's to myself as of late so as to limit the amount of criticism, attitude and opinions that I get back. Well, I did learn that part of the reason that you bring a slew of females with you is because of moral support.  But the other reason is logistic--it is extremely hard to carry (these bitches are HEAVY), zip, button, clasp and even walk in these all by yourself.  

I did, however, find the most amazing dress that I wanted so, so, so bad.  But, rule #2 to going dress shopping other than having at least one person with you is to not go until and unless you have the dough to put out for the dress.  Because I did not have the money.  And I found the perfect dress.  And I couldn't get it.  And now I will live in agony and despair praying every night that another girl doesn't find it and fall in love with it before I can buy it. 

I was quite pleasantly surprised, however, with my experience of dress shopping at The Alter.  The girls were great, the store was clean with a lot of really pretty dresses and the decor was really cute (bright pink and zebra stripes!).  What was surprising, you ask, about that?  The shop was on Colfax Ave.  

If you are a local here in the Square State, this means something to you.  If not, let me just tell you that Colfax  . . . is the least desirable street in all the state.  It is fraught with . . . well . . . to put it politely, it is our "ho stroll".  So to find this little diamond in the rough was quite fabulous.   

Fur Trimmed Cardigan with Bell Sleeves-My Michelle, thrifted; Cream Ribbed Turtleneck Tank-Apt. 9, thrifted; Camel Culottes-Metro Style, thrifted; Gray Trouser Socks-Wal-Mart; Platform Oxfords-Mossimo; Heart Shaped Earrings-gifted 

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