January 14, 2012

Le Piece de Resistance

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Guess what I did today?  Oh nothing.  Just . . . bought my wedding dress!  Special thanks to my sister (THANK YOU PEEPS!!) for loaning me the money.  I went to the same place I went to last weekend.  They did have the dress that I found last weekend, but I ended up finding an even more perfect dress.  It is very similar, but a much better color AND it fits me perfectly!  Literally, I don't need a single alteration.  Score!  

My mom and my sister went with me and it was so much fun.  I am so glad that they came with me, it was really a special time.  My mom took about 159 pictures of me and nearly cried many times.  My sister proved herself as the best Maid of Honor ever, patiently (ahem, "patiently" ;-) ) lacing, clasping, zipping and re-bagging dress after dress.  

Once we found "The One", my mom took it captive.  Seriously, she knows how I am.  I cannot keep a secret and I am horrible about surprises.  She took it because she doesn't trust me to not show Pat.  She . . . is right.  I know it will be totally worth it to wait and have him see me on the big day, but it is going to be so hard to not say anything.  Seriously, I was thisclose to posting a picture on here.  But I am going to have to show some serious restraint.

I have to say, I am so very proud of this outfit.  I mean, really proud.  I felt very sophisticated in it and I think that the colors went just swimmingly together.  

For everyone who does not live in Colorado, the Bronco's are in the playoffs right now.  For the past week since their last game, it has been all about Tim Tebow and wearing Bronco colors and how amazing it would be if they beat teh Patriots tonight.  

My family are HUGE Bronco fans.  Huge.  All of them.  Especially my mother.  She saw my tights today and applauded me on wearing my Bronco tights.  This was a joke, of course, as I am the only person in my family who could give a rat's ass about the Bronco's or football in general.  Sorry, mom, this was just a coincidence.

Well, I am not interested at all in "the game", but after so much hype this week, even my interest was peaked.  Now I remember why I don't like football.  We are at half time right now and loosing 35-7.  

I have had a near heart attack at every play where we almost do something cool or adversely do something ridiculous.  

It's at this point that I would like to ask, does anyone know when Jerseylicious comes back on?  All this testosterone is killing me here.  Also, wanna see my dress?  ;-)

Tan Crocheted Vest-vintage; Black Ribbed Turtleneck-International Concepts, thrifted; Cadet Blue Cargo Shorts-Marshall's; Rust Colored Tights-Xhiliration; Charcoal Gray Suede Heeled Oxfords-Mossimo; Silver and Turquoise Necklace-Wal-Mart; Earrings-Shane Co., gifted

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