January 16, 2012

Natural Woman

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

I don't like the word "cheap".  I prefer inexpensive.  I don't like to refer to my style as "cheap" as it gives the impression that my clothes are poorly made or even *gasp* frumpy. 

But we all know by now, I am a frugal bitch.  I like a deal.  I don't have the means to live extravagantly through my clothes, and, to be honest, even if I had the means, I don't know that I could justify spending the money that some people do on clothes ($86 for a sweater?  Yeah, that sounds reasonable . . .).   

I'm not here to judge.  If you have the means to shop that way and you are not into thrifting or consigning or anything like that, more power to you.  I know some people just "can't" thrift.  It does take patience, it is wearing pre-loved clothes and the experience is not always  . . . high society, if you will.  But, I find thrifting very adventurous.  When I find a piece that I love, that is a great price and that might even be designer label (like this Ann Loft shear button up blouse), I feel victorious.

But, I have to hand it to department stores like Macy's.  As I mentioned yesterday, I went shopping with the bestie yesterday to use up a gift card I got for Christmas at Macy's.  I was pessimistic at first that I would even find a pair of socks in my price range or anything that would be worth spending a decent amount of money on.  

The thing is, though, I found not one but two classic, no-fail, must have items at Macy's for a decent price.  I have searched high and low for the perfectly tailored classic trench for what feels like an eternity (much like my long awaited cape find) to no avail.  When I found this trench, I was in love.  When I saw that it was half off of an already marked down price, I knew I had to have it.  When I saw that it was DKNY, I almost cried. 

But when I tried on the trench, and subsequently this dress, I was absolutely head over heels.  I wore these items today and I felt like a million bucks.  Literally.  I usually feel like I am "fooling" people, or maybe even myself, by parading around in designer clothes that I really bought for a price in the single digits.  Today, I felt like the real McCoy.   

They both fit like butta and I don't even want to take them off.  Ever.  I might not.  Lesson learned: don't be close minded.  There is (sometimes) a justified reason that people will shell out a few extra dollars for the real deal.  These are both items that are timeless and well made.  I will probably have them forever and wear them a million times over.  

Speaking of this dress (because I wasn't gonna bring it up, but since you asked)--check out the zipper on the back!  I love it in all its golden glory.  

Don't be fooled, by the way, by the sunny demeanor of these pictures.  I took them on my way to work this morning (for once I had the time and I was actually still early to work--boo-ya!) and I was fine in bare legs all day. Currently, though, it is snowing and 25 outside.  Welcome to Colorado people.

At least the weather cooperated for the majority of the day to allow me to enjoy my new dress, bare legs, lightweight trench and open toed shoes.  If only for today.  Is winter over yet?

Black Shift Dress with Pockets-Alfani; Classic Trench-DKNY; Horse Hair Animal Print Peep Toe Pumps-BCBG, gifted; Pearl Necklace-Kohl's; Earrings-vintage from Grandma

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