January 10, 2012

Frannie Four Eyes

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

The thing that I love most about Every Body Every Wear challenges (or any challenges for that matter) is that they (duh) challenge me.  With this round being black and white, you wouldn't think this would be not be that challenging.  Well, to a color obsessed lady like myself, it was just that.

I cheated, as you can tell, just a little bit.  I couldn't stop myself from adding a few small red accessories.  However, the Rocky Mountain Paralegal Association probably appreciated the "tone down", if you will.  My monthly luncheons for this group always falls on the same day per month as the EBEW challenges . . . which have included colored denim, colored tights, sequins . . .

You might have noticed as well, today was my first day sporting my new specs.  Not too bad, I say.  They do take a little getting used to.  I don't have to wear them all the time . . . only when I drive, work on the computer, write, read or watch TV, so just most of the time.

Tonight was quite enjoyable, albeit stressful.  Pat and I had fabulous dinner plans with the bestie, Matt, Dawn and her boyfriend and Ashley and her boyfriend.  It was set to be spectacular and it was . . . though it could have been a trite better had I not been 45 minutes late.  (Miscommunication in Nana Duty).  Had I mentioned that Matt and Ashley had not yet met Ashley and Matt (my Matt)?  I felt horrible, but it worked out swimmingly because I love all these people.  Good food, good conversation and a good time was had by all.

In addition to not being able to forfeit all color from my look, I also felt that I had to inject a bit of quirky into it.  So, I wore my skirt sideways and sported a lacy backed top.  When my brother's girlfriend handed me this with the declaration that she no longer wanted it, I was stoked!

Funny photo taking story:  A woman living in these Denver townhomes did in fact ask me if I was making the houses famous and request that I not get pictures of her laundry hamper in said movie.  I have found that taking pictures out in public has been a very sociological project. 

To segway into an unpredictable conversation involving the weather, it was an uncharacteristically warm 60 degree no jacket, comfortably warm, windows down spring in January day.  The high for tomorrow, of course, is 30.  With a chance of snow.  Oh sweet spring like day, you were fun while you lasted.

To much dismay, I have to report that my throat is still on the fritz.  And feeling worse, unfortunately.  Thus, I am going to go back to my hot tea, my fabulous fiance and a nice relaxing bed.    Peace!

Lace Detail Button Down-gifted; Black Tank (underneath) with Bow Tie-New York & Co., gifted; Black Mini Skirt-gifted; Charcoal Tights-unknown; Cranberry Peep Toe Heels-Worthington, gifted; Bracelet-vintage from Mom; Earrings-gifted;

Black + White | Everybody, Everywear

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