January 17, 2012

Caped Crusader

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

How freaking awesome are this cape and gloves?  I bought the gloves thinking that I might wear them at my wedding, but decided against it.  The cape my mom and sister actually bought for me when we were shopping for my dress last weekend.  

This jumper is one of my favorite vintage finds ever.  I had wanted a one piece jumper forever, but all the ones that I had found were strapless, which I am not fond of.  When I found this one, vintage, half price, by a French designer, with straps I was all I SAID GOT DAMN!  Then, I saw the back and knew I had to have it forever and ever.  

Speaking of awesome, I found this cute little secluded spot by the Courthouse today while running over there for an errand for work.  Isn't it cute?

I saw somewhat secluded because as I was snapping these pictures, some guy was blaring "Pretty Young Thing" out his p.o.s. Honda Accord.  Seriously?  Who does that in a Court parking lot?

 I know that this is technically a poncho and not a cape, but I feel that it is elegant enough to pass as a cape, don't you?  I felt like Meg from Little Women all day. 

Patrick has drill for the National Guard all this week, so he has to get up extra early and drive down to Aurora to base.  I never thought that I would meet someone that slept harder than I do, but Patrick totally does.  When his alarm goes off, I have to nearly knock him out just to wake him up.  Needless to say, this leaves me to wake up when his alarm goes off.  

So today I woke up at 5:30 in the morning.  I didn't have to get up until 6:45.  This sucked.  But I did get my taxes filed, caught up on some blogs and had a little morning lounge around time that I normally don't get. 

Another plus side of my day?  My soon-to-be nephew called me at work today just to say hi to me. It was the cutest thing ever and totally made my day.

Other highlight of the day?  Playing Uno with my kiddos and Patrick.  It is one of our favorite games.  

Jumper-vintage; Striped Tee-Aeropostale; Boots-Wal-Mart; Necklace-Kohl's; Earrings-gifted; Cape-5th Ave., vintage and gifted; Gold Studded Gloves-vintage 

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