January 13, 2012

Baked Potato Soup You My Only Friend

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

See that large container?  Yep, that's soup in there.  This has been my diet all week.  I still feel fine other than the throat and tiredness, so I get hella hungry (I have an abnormally large appetite), I just can't eat anything because it effs up my throat. 

 In other non-whiny news, Patrick got a new tatoo last night.  Isn't it hawt?  It reads Patrick on one side and Robin (that's my real name) on the other.  Freaking awesome right?

This is one of my favorite skirts EVER.  I thrifted it almost a year ago.  When I picked it off the racks, I almost didn't try it on because it wasn't my type.  My type is typically really quirky and though I am a pretty girly girl, pastel pink is not really my fave.  I did see some potential, though, so I tried it on and I am so glad that I did.  The twirlability factor alone gives it a 10 in my book.  

I also wore the earrings that Patrick got me last Christmas.  They are my first (and only) pair of "real" earrings.  Everything else I own is all fun jewelry.  These babies are special.    

I have to say, I felt awesome in this outfit all day long.  I loved that it was just enough layers and weight (the skirt is deceivingly heavy) to keep me warm and enough freedom for roaming about.  I loved the way that it turned out!  Turns out pastel pink and dark grays, blacks and silver are a great color combo.  

What's on my weekend agenda you ask?  Well tonight Patrick and I are putting the deposit down on our venue (YAY!) and tomorrow I am going dress shopping with my mom and sister (yay again!).  Did everyone cross their fingers for me that my dress would still be there?  I hope so, because that is what we are going to find out tomorrow.  

Another thing that I have been meaning to mention, what is the dealyo with GFC?  I mention this because my blogger bud Lisa was talking about it today.  I have heard it elsewhere as well.  I use Blogger for my platform and I use Bloglovin to read my blogs, so I don't know that it will really affect me, but for all you more saavy fashioinistas that need a new way to keep in touch, you can follow me on Bloglovin here: 

Follow FranniePantz

And, again, I have to bid you all an early adieu.  My cold is kicking my ass and I hear a TempurPedic calling my name . . .

Black and Silver Striped Top with Cardigan-Kohl's; Rose Colored Skirt-thrifted; Gray Sweater Tights-Kohl's; Black Suede Fold Over Knee Boots-Forever 21; Watch-gifted; Earrings-Shane Co., gifted by Patrick ;-)

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