January 18, 2012


Music Playlist at MixPod.com

This is what I heard as I entered my daughter's preschool this morning.  I look over to see a little girl pointing at my legs.  Yeah, me and Will Ferrel are tight like that.  We shop together.  (BTW Kaden would think that was the coolest!)

So I still haven't been able to tell if I am a complainer or a keep-it-real-er, but I am going to be honest with you all, this is going to be a post full of ups and downs because today was a total rollercoaster.  This probably goes without saying, but the Elf comment was an Up. 

 Down.  I feel like a totally ignorant fool.  I feel kind of non-citizen to not mention the whole SOPA and PIPA thing, but here's the thing--I am a bad citizen.  I don't keep tabs on current events, I'll admit it.  I know very little about politics and the news.  I do know this though--censorship can kiss my ass, especially where the internet is concerned.  My theory on anything "offensive" is simply if you don't like it, don't do it/look at it/participate in it.  No judgment.  I know that I do not want someone else telling me, a grown woman, what I can and cannot see/read/look at/etc.

Up.  I became more educated on this issue with the help of this bomb ass post from Sarah of Just Take a Bow and this very informative post from Megan of Megan Mae Daily. I saw a bajillion, if I may estimate, blog posts, Facebook posts, and other great websites (Google and Wikipedia come to mind) different ways to learn more about this topic.  A lot of people are becoming aware and educating fools like me.  This is a great thing and shows just how valuable the internet can be and why it should remain a place of free speech and remain available for everyone.  Sidenote: why are we allowing people to picket military funerals and yet we are about to put the smack down on sites like Wikipedia?  Anyone? 

Down.  My oldest son, Kaden, has had an extremely difficult life in his eleven years.  He has been through more than any little boy should ever have to go through.  He is having a really hard time right now and it breaks my heart as a mother who loves him to the ends of the Earth.  I am not a religious person, but I would like to ask everyone a favor to send him positive vibes by any way you feel comfortable.  Thanks.  

Up.  Colored tights, vintage dress and leopard cardigan.  Lately I've fancied simpler and more neutral looks (two days anyway with very little color, impressive, I know).  Today, I wanted to break out.  I love my colors.

Up.  We are over the "hump" of the week and just thatmuchcloser to the weekend.  I was thinking about it today and this is my first full five day work week since before Christmas.  Between being all the four day workweeks for the holidays and taking last Wednesday off, yeah.  I know.  It's been a loooooong week.

Down.  I hate when people use the term "hump day" for Wednesday.  It's just a pet peeve of mine.  Like a totally uncreative, cookie cutter way to segway into an earth-shatteringly insightful and entertaining conversation.  Much like when you ask someone how they're doing and they answer with "just livin' the dream" or "just another day in paradise".  *insert nerdy, snide, sarcastic giggle*  Ha! 

 Down.  Patrick is working for the National Guard this week about an hour away.  For the past two days he has been working the same shift as me essentially, but for a couple of days beyond that, he will be working the night shift.  Totally going to miss him working opposite shifts!  I will miss daydreaming with him while watching "I Want That" on the DIY Network.  Like now.

Ups.  This will be the next few nights for me: SATC episodes and/or Style network, nail painting, eyebrow plucking, bridal magazine flipping, Pintresting and hanging out in my fallback Adidas gym pants at 8:30 p.m.  Similar to what this girl was talking about today.  Love Lisa's topics!

 Up.  In fact, saving the best up for last . . . this video.   My bestie Chris sent it to me via Facebook and between being a fiance, a sucker for any blonde man in a wedding dress and finding this little peach in the video to be completely relate-able ("Pin It, Pin It, Pin It"), I was all in for this one:

And speaking of Up:

Rust Dress-vintage; Leopard Cardigan-thrifted; Mustard Tights-Target; Platform loafers-Bandolino, gifted; Wooden Earrings with Beading-Kohl's; Medallion Necklace-Wal-Mart; Red Peacoat-Kohl's

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