January 20, 2012

Something Fishy

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Oh, the adventures of OOTD picture taking have led me to many an interesting path.  Like this one, covered in a fish mural.  

 I am fairly confident that every blogger known to Blogdom has already seen this video, but some non-blogging readers might not have yet. Let me just say, it is genius.  GENIUS.  I used it to tie my scarf this morning (I used the one called Magic Trick).

Speaking of awesome videos, ever since I posted this one on my blog the other day, I have become obsessed (correction: OBSESSED) with the "Shit Girls Say" video series.  A few recent faves include this one:

And also this one:

Just so we're clear, I cannot be held liable if you laughed your faces off at those videos.  I know I did.

Anywho, it's a gorgeous Friday here in the Square State.  I have barely needed my coat for days now, though that hasn't stopped me from wearing my new trench coat non-stop.  I just bought it on Sunday and the current cost per wear is already at $10.

I really feel for my fellow Seattle peeps--all the snow and ice storms make me, for once, very glad to be in Colorado.  It should also be noted that I obviously get my world weather from reading blogs . . . .

Might I also add that I was having an exceptionally good hair day today.  I give most of the credit to my newly purchased Frizz Ease Daily Nourishment Leave In Conditioning Spray.  

Today at work was just as I like it--busy but not stressful.  Just enough to do to make the time pass by quickly, but not so much that I felt like my head was spinning.  

This is not to say that I didn't highly appreciate the fact that it is Friday and we have a weekend ahead of us now.  Just wanted to clear that up . . .

Chambray Button Down-Lee; Brown Suede Pinstripe Pencil Skirt-Dawn Joy, thrifted; Trench-DKNY; Red Scarf-gifted from sister from Australia; Red Bow Flats-K-Mart; Watch-Patrick's ;-); Earrings-gifted

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