January 23, 2012

Animal Instincts

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Yesterday was spent doing the following: hosting a playdate with my daughter and her best preschool friend, Anya; hanging out with Patrick finally after working opposite shifts from him for four days; watching Patrick show Conner how to mix cement for his tether-ball pole he got for Christmas; and doing even more wedding D.I.Y.s.  And I loved it.   

The unfortunate aspect of lovely, fair-weathered Sunday nights is the inevitable Monday morning.  How was everyone else's?  Mine started out as a typical "Monday", if I may: telephone call from the boys fighting, a mound of dishes at le office (for some reason our cleaning person does not do dishes) and a full inbox.  

Luckily, this ended with Monday morning.  The rest of my day was just superb.  Pretty easy and laid back. Then, I took the boys to Kumon and my daughter and I had our Starbucks date whilest they got edumacated.  Is it a bad thing when the peeps at Starbucks know your order down to the specifics the moment they see you walk in the door?  "Two white chocolate mochas--one for now, one for later and three cake pops?"

Not only that, but I came home to a wonderful present in my mailbox--my Offbeat Bride book that I ordered a la Amazon.  (P to the S--this does not count toward the shopping ban as it is wedding related.)  Have any of you soon-to-be-brides visited their site?  It is fantastic.  I am not having a "traditional" wedding.  It's not as "offbeat" as many of the other brides on this site, but it offers some great D.I.Y.s, ideas and links. 

Not only that, but Kaden thoroughly impressed me with his chores this afternoon.  Thanks, everyone for your kind words and positive thoughts for him.  He is doing and feeling much better.  

I went ahead and sported my bare legs today because we are expecting snow tomorrow.  Ugh.  I am so over winter and we still have another month or so of it!  Seriously, once Christmas is over, I'm like NEEEEEXT please!

My sister gave me this leather mini dress ions ago and I have always loved it so.  The problem is, however, it is a leather mini dress which screams high end escort on its own (hey, it's designer and leather, total step up from hooker).  But I miss it just hanging there all lonely in my closet and it has only been a recent revelation of mine to turn this bad girl number into a work appropriate edgy skirt.  Solved. 

All right, with my new wedding Bible in hand, bracing myself for/accepting snow tomorrow and spending much needed time with the mans, I bid you all goodnight.  Till tomorrow . . . 

Giraffe Print Top-Kohl's; Leather Mini Dress (worn as a skirt)-gifted by sister; Suede Blazer with Front Tie-Wet Seal, thrifted; Pointed Toe Sling Back Kitten Heels-Mootsie Tootsie; Tribal Necklace-SIFA; Wooden Beaded Earrings-Kohl's 

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