January 30, 2012


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Today marks the first day of Megan and Keely's Fashion Challenge--Layering Up.  I have been looking forward to this challenge for a week or two buuuuuuuuuuut . . .

I got this skirt over the weekend and it is everything I have been longing for in a mullet skirt.  It was a great price, a light and fun material and a great color.  Since today's challenge was something I have done a bajillion times already (long sleeved under short sleeved) and since I have participated in every other challenge since I found out about it, I didn't feel too bad doing my own thing today.

I know, I know.  I'm supposed to be on a shopping ban until the wedding.  I know.  And here I am sporting two new items today.  This amazing skirt is one.  My cute hat is the other.  

Here's the thing, though.  I've been really good.  I have saved plenty of money by quitting smoking (see my left sidebar) over a month ago.  And, I have set out a budget for wedding stuff.  I planned on spending $100 on each of my bridesmaid dresses.  My brother's girlfriend's dress was only $40.  So I spent $60 on me.  Ok, so I was caught in a weak moment.  Sue me.

For a Monday, I have to say, not too shabby.  The weather was unseasonably gorgeous, minus the wind.  But, at least the breeze was relatively warm and made my skirt wave in the wind.  Always a plus.  

People, we do have something of great importance to discuss.  One week from today, I will be thirty.  I am either truly unaffected by this fact or in complete denial.  I don't think I really care about turning thirty.  I know I should be.  I know that most people freak, at least just a wee bit, when they turn thirty.  Me?  Nothing.

And I mean, like, not in any fashion.  Patrick is all intent on me doing something big for my birthday.  "But baaaaaaabe," he whines, "it's your THIRTIEEEEEEEEETH!"  Nothing really sounds appealing to me in the realm of a party.  

And on that note, I think the other reason I'm not spazing out on it is because I have three kids.  My oldest is a tween.  I'm pretty sure by all accounts, I am mentally already well in my forties. 

Not only that, but I think I'm actually ok with thirty.  Twenties are just kind of . . . done for me.  I'm really not afraid of turning the page on that decade.  Or maybe that's just my denial talking.  Maybe we will reserve this conversation for another week.  Mmmkaypumpkins?

Mullet Skirt with Knitted Belt-Rue 21; Black Knotted Top-Kohl's; Brown Suede Buckle Detail Knee High Boots-Forever 21; Tribal Necklace-gifted; Earrings-Wal-Mart; Gold Bangles-gifted

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