January 21, 2012

She Could Be a Farmer in Those Clothes!

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

For the past few days, I've been having a lot of "better than expected" moments. As I mentioned Pat is working night shift for the Air Force for the past few nights (but tonight's the last night!), so we work opposite shifts.  This means that I get to wake up with him (awesome!), but the rest of the time, I don't see him.  

I get all three of my kids this weekend (awesome!).  This only happens once per month during the school year, so I wanted to do something special with them, but I knew that Pat needed to sleep all day to get ready for/recover from working the 5-5 shift at the base(yuck!).

I had tossed around a couple of ideas on what we could do when my mom offered for us to go with her to her boyfriend's house in Divide, Colorado.  It is a two hour drive from my house, but he has an ATV (boys were psyched=awesome!), his neighbors have horses (my daughter was psyched=awesome!) and it was an all day consuming plan to do something we had never done before and just hang out.  

The drive went relatively well, the kids had fun and (despite the 34 degree temperature and 40 mph winds), I got these great (unexpectedly so) shots at an old cemetery by his house at the golden hour of photographing (awesome!) that i usually miss because I am running around.  

I knew that I would def miss Pat this week due to working opposite of each other, but what has been (awesome!) about it is that I have come home all week to a clean house--dishes done, floor vacuumed and stuff picked up--since Pat has been home during the day.  I love this man. 

I am not a fan of tv; in fact, I sometimes despise it's existence.  But, one of the things on my "me night" checklists was to indulge in a few SATC episodes.  Unfortunately, my DVD decided to die sometime last night and, despite the 5184 DVDs I put in, none would play.  What was unexpectedly (awesome!) was, though, was all the DIYs I got done for the wedding.  I was burning, painting and decorating wood, ring bearer boxes and mason jars to my heart's content last night.  (Typical Friday night indulgence for me, what can I say?)  

 Kaden spent the night at a friend's house last night.  When he left, he only had in his hand a cardboard briefcase that he had gotten from a field trip a few days prior.  "Kaden," I said, "you need to have a change of clothes for tomorrow."  Kaden-"I know Mom, they're in here."  Me *puzzled "mom" look*.  Kaden-"It's true, Mom!"  Fast forward to this morning when I pick Kaden up in the same pants he was wearing yesterday.  I ask Kaden to show me what's in his "briefcase".  An American flag, a microphone and a video game.  He had "forgotten" the change of clothes.  Not unexpected for him, but funny, nonetheless.

 I expected the drive to be a main concern this morning going with three kids for two hours through Denver.  But, it was not at all congested, pleasantly calm with the kiddos and the mountain scenery was divine.  Not to mention, this was essentially the first decent mileage test run with the new specks.  It is so sweet to be able to see where I am going when I drive at night now.

 For some of you that might not know/remember, I have this "thing" about the dead.  Seriously, it is my biggest heeby-jeeby goosebump phobia in the world.  Ghosts, angels, demons, all of that.  Don't care for it.  That shit freaks me out.  Well, while taking my photos in the graveyard today (which I actually find those fascinating-especially the old ones-ironic isn't it?), as I said, the wind was going about 4875 miles an hour, so setting up the "pod" was a challenge.  So, I anchored it with a decent sized rock I found next to a headstone.  I put it up on my tripod under my camera (other tripod bloggers know what area I'm talking about here), and it fell off after I ran over to my spot.  I took this to mean that I had moved/misplaced the stone of the dead and for fear of perma-haunting, I replaced the stone exactly where I found it and moved on.  So far, no hauntings yet.  Phew. 

 Something else unexpected and awesome this week?  I was featured in BeInStyle's Best of the Web feature!  I am so very psyched!  You can read the feature here and check out some other fab ladies!  Here is my feature:

Olive Floral Overalls-thrifted; Brown Beaded Shear Top-In Studio, thrifted; Irish Cable Knit Cardigan-Homemade by Grandma; Cognac Knotted Side Zip Booties-Charlotte Russe; Tribal Earrings-Kohl's 

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