September 19, 2011


Music Playlist at

 Wouldn'tchaknow, I finally get my railroad shots.  Perfect location.  Started shooting, and heard a train whistle.  I'm pretty convinced that at this point that the railroad tracks have it out for me.  This, of course, only makes me want the shot more. 

As soon as I finished taking my pictures, who do I spy watching me the whole time but Patrick.  He had driven by where I was taking my pictures and stopped off to give me a ration of wisecracks.  God love him.  

So I was spotted by the train and by Patrick, but you know who I spotted?  That same cop on that same road that gave me the speeding ticket a few months ago.  I gave that little bastard two enthusiastic thumbs up as I passed him doing exactly the speed limit on my way home.  Classic. 

Speaking of spotting, I spotted this great two toned New York & Company skirt at ARC this past weekend during their half off sale.  And this great mustard sweater.  Both $3.  Score!

Have you ever eaten a Cherokee Purple tomato?  Daryl grows them in his garden and often brings them to me at work.  They are the best tomatoes in the land.  Seriously, folks.  If you have the chance, try them.  They are so good and not acidic at all!

Ok, so tomatoes really have nothing to do with spotting, but I cannot stop thinking about their deliciousness.  All in all, a pretty good day.  Monday for the win!

Mustard Sweater-unknown, thrifted; Skirt-New York & Company, thrifted; Boots-Croft & Borrow; Bag-Bebe, gifted; Earrings-gifted; Ring-Kohl's

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