September 7, 2011

Fall Friendly

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Well, nothing like photographing a mediocre outfit to death right?  I say that because we have had bouts of rain all day ranging from drizzle and mist to pouring heavily.  I took my outfit shots twice because of this.  The first time, I opted for a parking garage, but the lighting was horrendous.  Plus, I am a clutz and spilled Dr. Pepper on the front of my dress in the first ones and you can totally tell. 

Anywho, all bitching aside, when the rain calmed down for long enough, I stopped by this car wash to take my photos.  It worked out a lot better.  

The Fashion Challenge for today is to take a summer dress and make it fall friendly.  At first, I had envisioned just the dress and the vest, but that was a few days ago when it was still scorching outside.  Now, the weather has taken a turn and been gloomy and chilly, so I had to throw in some leggings and booties. 

 This dress, albeit a kind of awkward color to layer, is pretty easy with it being strapless.  I typically have to layer it in some form or fashion since, well, I'm still waiting to outgrow my training bra.  Wa waaaaaaaaa . . .

Well, ladies.  I'm outta words.  So I leave you with the following pose in which I look like I'm gonna cut someone.4

Dress and Sweater Vest-Kohl's; Leggings-Wal-Mart; Booties-F21; Necklace and Cuff-Kohl's; Earrings and Cocktail Ring-gifted;

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