September 1, 2011

The Hills Are Alive

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Doesn't this skirt remind you a little of the clothes that Julie Andrews made the kids in the Sound of Music?  That's what it reminded me of.  

A couple of things about this skirt.  One, I bought it thrifting with Cristi last weekend.  It seems, by all accounts, kind of fugly to the naked eye.  But, I was instantly drawn to it and immediately started pairing it with various elements of my wardrobe. 

It is the greatest sheer fabric, so light enough for the heat, but the color is perfect for fall.  I can't wait to wear it with my wine colored tights, cognac booties and sweaters.  Mmmmmm . . .  

One last element is that this skirt is a size 10.  This is why it is always important never to pay attention to sizes when thrifting.  Typically, I am a size 4-5.  By all logistics, this skirt should not fit.  But it does.  Like a glove. 

Also, Sound of Music is Peggy's favorite movie.  Too bad she is off kicking ass in a bridge tournament in Cali right now.  I think if she was at work today, she would have appreciated this skirt for the Sound of Music reference. 

Speaking of work, here's the low down on my office sitch.  Ok, so I work for three lawyers and we have two other lawyers that share our office space.  One lawyer is leaving the firm.  But another lawyer and his paralegal moved in and my boss just hired an associate attorney as well.  So I went from 5 lawyers to 7 and a new paralegal within a couple of weeks.  Let me just say--shit's been hectic son!

But even with all the chaos, it is so nice to have other people in the office.  I like the busy.  I like the water cooler feel of it.  I am in love with the new associate.  She kicks ass!  She's one of those really sweet and quiet, young new lawyer, but when it comes down to it, she gets her DFWM tude going.  As we all know, I'm a big fan of getting your DFWM on.

Blouse-Vera Wang; Skirt-Anne Klein, thrifted; Belt-Kohl's; Heels-Worthington, gifted; Necklace-vintage from Grandma; Earrings-Kohl's

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