September 22, 2011

Old Hat

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Today was so insanely busy (as usual) that I opted to take 10 minutes during my "lunch break" to take my photos at a near by dog park.

This was not without conflict, however.  I had an audience.  Two lawn maintenance men and several dog walkers.   A few months ago, this would have petrified me into finding another location, but this song of dance is coming as old hat to me at this point. 

Yeah, I have a tripod and I am taking my own photos.  Yes, this seems odd.  Yes, they are probably wondering what the hell I am doing. 

One said dog walker with a Scottish accent (I also just said Scot-ish in a Scottish accent in my head.  I hope you did the same) commented with this little number-"That's quite an outfit."

That's.  Quite.  An outfit.  I never really know how to take this.  Do they like it?  Do they hate it?  Is it too crazy?  Is it too dressy?  WHAT IS IT YOU ARE  TRYING TO SAY???????

By the by, have you ever looked up the origin of the expression old hat?  It was a big office discussion the other day.  After learning this, I will never use the expression in the same way again.  It brings a certain immature girlish giggle out of me now.  

 Dress, Blazer, Ring, Cuff, Earrings and Tights-Kohl's; Heels-Steve Madden, gifted;

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