September 14, 2011

The Sign

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I know, I know.  I am wearing sequins in the daytime but I can totally explain.  There is completely logical explanation.  My horoscope told me to.

I am a proud Aquarian and totally fit the description in every way--friendly and humanitarian, honest and loyal, original and inventive, independent and intellectual . . . intractable and contrary, perverse and unpredictable, unemotional and detached.  

I don't put much credit in my horoscopes.  It's really just a fun thing to check into.  I get my daily horoscope emailed to me and when it came to me last night telling me to "wear a shiny, sparkly, attention-getting shirt today in order to spice up your life and the attitude of the people around you", I immediately thought of this top.

For some reason, when I got compliments on this tunic today, I felt the need to explain this phenomenon.  And for some reason, everyone looked at me like I was a lunatic.  Little did they know that by merely commenting on the top (which there were a lot of compliments on it), they were unknowingly being sucked into my astrological genius. 

It certainly helped to brighten up an otherwise drizzly and overcast day.  We were in the 50's today.   THE 50's!!!!!  Hello fall!

But I also got to thinking that Patrick is also an Aquarian.  I wonder if he remembered to wear his shiny shirt. . . *

*Note-Patrick works in IT.  He sadly does not own a sparkly shirt. 

White Dress (worn as a skirt)-gifted; Blue Sequined Top-F21; Giraffe Heels-BCBG, gifted; Earrings and Cuff-Wal-Mart

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