September 2, 2011


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So today I was maliciously attacked in the parking lot of my work.  Ok, that's a bit dramatic, but let me explain . . .

I left work at lunch time for my usual dollar menu splurge.  I'm walking out to my car and all of a sudden I felt like something was stabbing my leg.

After letting out several (loud) obscenities, I swatted at my leg and some equally loud big black buzzing thing flew off.

I don't know if that little bastard bit me or stung me or what, but it immediately swelled up with a red spot the size of my palm and hurt like a mo fo.  It still really hurts six hours later.  

I ran into the office to show John, one of the attorneys.  I was in so much pain.  He was asking me if I was allergic to bees.  No, I don't think so.  He started warning me of anaphylactic shock.  Then, as I am staring mercilessly at him with my mouth wide open, he says "well, we might just have to amputate from the knee down."  I kid you not, the first thing out of my mouth was "But John!  I just got all those new shoes!"

The End.

 Striped Dress-vintage and thrifted; Short Sleeved Blazer-thrifted; Leopard Wedges-Naughty Monkey, gifted; Watch-gifted; Broach-vintage from Grandma; Earrings-gifted and DIY

As Dr. Dre would say, Thank God It's Friday!

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