September 24, 2011


Music Playlist at

I decided to take my pictures in my backyard on a whim today as a goodbye ode to my Weeping Willow tree.  I love this tree and it is beautiful in the spring and summer, but is totally sparse in the autumn and winter.  I miss it terribly when it is all bare.

Last night, Pat and I found ourselves alone in the house.  So we went out, lived it up on the town, went out to dinner, went clubbing and stayed out partying until all hours of the night.  Not really.  That was a complete lie.

We totally old coupled it up and stayed in with some Coronas and wine coolers and played Scrabble.  It was so much fun, though!  It's funny how your definition of fun transitions with age.  

I learned quite a few things whilest playing Scrabble with Patrick.  Some of which include the following:

1) It is impossible to come out clean when someone tells you that you are argumentative.  If you say no, you are arguing.  If you say yes, you are admitting.  One of life's Catch 22's I guess.

2) Apparently with my extremely low tolerance for alcohol, three wine coolers make me quite creative.  Case in point, I have renamed the genre for the band Enya "munk rock."  LOL.  For the record, I am an Enya fan.  

Sweater-thrifted; Wide Leg Jeans-Mossimo; Teal Kitten Heels-Alfoni, gifted; Belt-thrifted; Bracelet-Four Corners; Earrings-vintage from Grandma

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