September 18, 2011

Groovin on a Sunday Afternoon

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I wasn't going to blog this outfit.  It's not anything spectacular.  But it was such a gorgeous day and me and the kiddos went to the park wherein I found this perfect little location to take my pics, so I did just that.

I also needed to take a moment and celebrate my recently thrifted leopard print cardigan.  God love half off Saturdays at the ARC.  This little beauty only cost me $3.

As soon as I proposed the idea of a park trip to my kids, they gladly obliged.  It was so warm in fact that we dipped our toesies in this little pond to cool off.  

Conner found a freezer bag in the grass, clearly abandoned by some litterbug.  So dipping our toesies quickly turned into a water fight wherein Conner would fill up the bag with water and dump it onto his brother and sister.  The kids left the park soaking wet.  

That's the great thing about kids.  All they really require for hours of entertainment is a big plastic ziploc, water and room to run around.  No fancy toys or video games required.  

Perfect weather and a perfect agenda for a Sunday afternoon.  Makes the sting that tomorrow is Monday a little more tolerable.  

Leopard Cardigan-thrifted; Purple Sweater-gifted from Grandpa :-); Cords-Kohl's; Platform Tennies-Sketchers; Ring-Kohl's; Necklace-vintage from Grandma; Earrings-Wal-Mart

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