September 6, 2011

Almost Forgotten

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Today the challenge for the Fashion Challenge, you have to style a forgotten piece.  Well, friends, if this pencil skirt isn't a forgotten piece, I don't know what is. 

I finally took the plunge this weekend to clean out my closet.  I got some clothes ready for donation and put some summer stuff away.  In the process, I found this skirt. 

I have honestly no clue where I got it.  I don't remember thrifting it, I don't remember it being given to me and I don't remember ever wearing it.  And I have no idea why.  

This is possibly the best pencil skirt in my possession.  It is high waisted.  It is just the perfect length.  Even though I had to have Patrick assist me in buttoning the back, it is the perfect fit.  And, AND, it has pockets.  

I tried to get a good picture of the cute button it has on the back, but people kept giving me funny looks for taking random pictures of my backside, so this is all you get, but trust, it is very cute.  And it was made in Germany.  How on Earth could I have gone this long without wearing this????

So, you have learned two lessons today.  One, clean out your closet and you will unearth buried treasures.  Two, take the Fashion Challenge with Megan and Keely so you can thank them for giving you inspiration to bring old pieces back to life.  

 Grey Turtleneck-Wal-Mart; Leather Vest-F21; Pencil Skirt-Louis Feraud; Heels-Worthington, gifted; Necklaces-gifted and Wal-Mart; Earrings-vintage from Grandma

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