September 9, 2011

C'mon Ride It Train

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I should just let Bob (attorney in the office and the coolest older gentleman you'll ever meet) pick the titles of my posts from now on.  He always has an instant commentary about my outfit.  Today I was a conductor.

So, today is the last day of the Fashion Challenge.  The challenge for today was to take a summer top and make it into a fall ensemble.  I chose this cute little halter top and used it as a vest.  

I really liked the way this turned out actually.  Since it was Friday, I got away with wearing my hat at work for most of the day.  I was told by everyone to keep it on and that it was really cute, but I felt a bit . . . unprofessional.  So when clients came in, I took it off.  

So I finally got the juevos to take my pictures somewhere I'd always wanted to take my pictures.  Longmont has a really cute little downtown.  Since most of the authors of my daily reads are off enjoying the big city for NYFW (oh no, I'm not jealous at all . . .) I wanted to pretend I was wandering around downtown New York for my pictures.  

Well, I almost got ballsy.  I got close.  I found this pretty little alley way to unleash my inner city gal to take my pics.  I'm still a baby at taking outfit photos in front of a lot of people.  

Everything was going well for me here, but as all fashion bloggers know, there are four types of people that you encounter when taking your OOTD pics outside of the comfort of your home . . . 

#1-the best kinds of spectators.  These are the people who just mind their own damn business and leave you alone completely.  Sure, they might look over with interest, but their mouth stays shut.  #2-second best kinds of people who give a polite smile or comment.  #3-creepy.  ass.  older.  nasty.  men.  GROSS!  

#4-the worst.  Jealous.  Women.  I had such an encounter with this shoot.  Here I was, feeling like a rock star.  Looking totally cute.  Found the perfect OOTD photo shoot location.  Minding my own business.  This homely looking woman walks IN FRONT OF MY PICTURE.  I thought maybe she just didn't see me.  She started out innocently enough.  "Oh, what a fun hobby," then, in a snide tone walks by with this little number, "A HOBBY ABOUT NOTHING BUT YOURSELF!!!!!!!!"  Mind you, I have said nothing to this woman during this transaction.  So, the above picture is me giving this woman what my bestie and I like to call the "blank stare."  Had I not gotten my heel caught in the cobblestone turning to say something, I would have turned to that woman and given her the old "well eff you lady!"  But I didn't.  Because I'm a lady, that's why.

Hat-Route 66; Red Sheer Button Down-New York & Co., thrifted; Black Halter as Vest-Mossimo, gifted; Capris-Starcity, gifted; Kitten Heels-BCBG, gifted; Bag-Bebe, gifted; Necklace-DIY and gifted; Watch-gifted; Earrings-gifted

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