September 12, 2011

Funky Little Shack

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Today Daryl was whistling, singing and blaring Love Shack all day.  Needless to say, this song was stuck in my head all day.

So, mid-day, I turned to Sally, the new paralegal, and told her "man is there a more annoying song to be stuck in your head?"  She turns to me and said, "I don't think I know that song."  Me=blank expression of disbelief.

Me-"Surely you have heard this song.  Anyone who has been to a wedding since 1984 has heard this song." I Google that bad boy, turn it up, start singing it word for word.  She stares blankly.  Sally-"Um, nope.  Never heard it."

I'm sorry, are you a unicorn?  WHO HAS NEVER HEARD LOVE SHACK BEFORE??????  

Anyway, that was how I spent the better part of my morning, in amazement and on a quest to introduce Sally to Love Shack.

I tried to do this french braid headband thing with my hair today.  It kind of worked.  But my flat iron was not cooperating.  So I had these strange waves all day, but maybe it will be better next time. 

Also, I have determined this will be my favorite dress to remix for fall.  I've worn it here before (and here).  It was one of those dresses that I bought because of its rich color and vintage 70's fabric, but I honestly didn't see myself wearing it much.  Such a fool I was!  

So, the lesson learned today, ladies, is that you are never too young to teach an older paralegal new tricks.  Seriously, I don't know that I will ever recover from this travesty.  

Dress-vintage; White Button Down-cabi, thrifted; Boots-F21; Bangle-Kohl's; Earrings, Broach and Necklace-vintage from Grandma

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