July 28, 2011

Payin' The Man

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So today, after work, I had to go pay "the man."  A couple of weeks ago, I was a bad girl and got a speeding ticket.  $157 buckaroos.  Yep.  

Here's the thing.  There is the back road that I take to and from work everyday.  It is 50 mph and then for like four random blocks through some "neighborhood" it goes down to 35 and then back up to 50.  No one really goes 35.  Well, apparently you are supposed to.  

So I took the opportunity while at the Boulder County Sheriff's office to take my outfit photos.  The scenery was nice after all and the ticket paying lady already said she liked my outfit, so it seemed like a no-brainer. 

Remember yesterday when I told you that I rewarded myself with some new sandals after my positive shopping experience?  Yep.  These are them.  And let me tell you, the picture does not do them justice cause they are super cute.  They have this strap that goes around your ankle and buckles and it's criss-crossed all down the front.  And, better yet, they are comfy as hell.  I am serious.  I could live in these babies.   I just might.

We are in vaca readiness mode-packing, making lists, checking twice, getting everything in order.  I am getting so excited!  Sorry, I decided not to opt for guest bloggers.  There are several talented ladies that could take my place, but the thing is that I am not sure if I will have/want internet access while I am on our little road trip.  I'd hate for someone to put effort into a guest blog and then be unable to post it.  Next time . . .

Well, that pretty much wraps up this post.  I will be back tomorrow, but after that, I'm out of the blogosphere for over a week!  I don't know what on Earth I will do with myself.  

 Shrug-Ross; Top-Fire Los Angeles; Skirt-Speechless; Sandals-Marshall's; Bangles-Kohl's; Earrings-DIY and gifted

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