September 24, 2011

Aw Friday You're the Best!

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I realize that today is not Friday anymore, but so many things made my day on Friday, I just have to share them with you.  

First of all, do you see this amazing dress that I am wearing?  One of Daryl's clients is from Ghana.  He recently went back to Ghana for a bit and he brought me back this dress!!!!!  I was over the moon when he gave it to me.  How sweet is that?  There have been clients that give flowers or cards when their cases are over as a thank you for my help.  It always means a lot to know that you are appreciated and recognized like that.  I have never gotten a dress before though!

In other amazing news, my little baby blog is growing up.  I got the most amazing dress in the mail the other day and I am so stoked to share it with you all next week.  And I was also contacted by Circle of Moms and Fashion By Feelings, who asked me to share some advice and looks on their website.  You can vote for me on Circle of Moms here, where I share what I believe to be the most practical and fashionable item all moms must own.  You can vote for my We Love Wool look here for Fashion by Feelings.  Or, better yet, send in your own entry as well!

And speaking of amazing, now is the time where I brag about my man for a minute.  Patrick came home the other day.  I began to prepare dinner, but he stopped me.  He said "wait to start dinner for a minute."  He hands me $40 and says "I just saw that there is a Grand Opening for a thrift store down the street.  I want you to go check it out and enjoy yourself for an hour or so.  I'll watch the kids."

Honestly, this is why we are such a perfect match.  By the time I had got to the thrift store, they had already closed, but he promised me I could go on Friday.  So, while he took Kaden to football practice, I thrifted my little heart out.  Isn't he the best?!?!?  You will all see my glorious treasures here soon.  

Did anyone else know that Thursday was Elephant Appreciation Day?  Neither did I.  I was so sad that I missed it because anyone who has read my blog for a minute knows that elephants are my favorite animal.  Since I was planning on wearing my new dress today from Ghana, I thought this would be a perfect time for my own personal ode to the elephant.  So I wore my elephant chain belt, cuff and ring.  

Also, Friday was the first official day of autumn.  And it was a perfect, gorgeous day.  It was warm, but it was a nice little goodbye to summer.  Out with the old, in with the new I guess.  I will miss summer.  I love the warmth and freedom that summer brings, but I am also looking forward to all that fall entails.  But if anyone could figure out how to skip winter (minus Christmas), let me know.  Snow=not a happy Frannie.

All in all, a perfect day and a perfect way to welcome the weekend.  Can I get an Amen?

Dress (worn as a skirt)-gift from Ghana;White Sheer Top-thrifted; Denim Jacket-Levi's; Suede Yellow Heels-Style&Co., gifted; Cuffs-Kohl's and thrifted; Elephant ring-Department of Clothing; Necklace and Earrings-Vintage from Grandma; Elephant Chain Belt-vintage 

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