September 13, 2011


Music Playlist at

Today I had a paralegal luncheon in downtown Denver.  I love Denver.  I really think that I was just meant to live in a big city.  Granted, Denver is not a big city, but every time I come down here, I just feel so at home.  I love the hustle, I love the bustle, I love the smells, I love that there is always something to do or somewhere to go.  

A few years ago, I lived in Westminster.  My condo had this great view of downtown.  I love how at night, it sparkles and twinkles.  Don't get me wrong, I think moving to Longmont was a great move for my kids.  I love how they can run to their friends' house down the street without much concern.  I love that if I forget to lock my car at night, I can usually return to it in the same condition.  

But there is something about the allure of a city that intrigues me.  It is for this reason I opted to take the ten minutes to take my OOTD pics downtown today on my way back to the office from the luncheon.  Actually, the brick building on the left side of these pictures is where I first interned as a paralegal.  My friend Ashley, an attorney down here, got me the job there.  I loved it. 

When I saw that the EBEW challenge for this month was colored pants, I was tickled . . . purple.  I was really excited to throw on some bright colors before we are inundated in autumnal neutrals.  However, as I said, I had this luncheon.  So I had to, pardon the mullet reference, keep it business on top, party on bottom.

This outfit reminded me of what Carrie would wear if she were to go to a legal luncheon with Miranda.  I feel it's kind of a mesh of their two styles.  

I was a little nervous to take my pictures on the busy street corner of 19th and Wazee, but I found it SO MUCH easier than doing it in downtown Longmont last week.  No one said a word.  No one gave me a weird look.  No one gawked or asked questions or shouted inappropriate things at me.  That is another great thing about the city, everyone just minds their own biz-nass.  No one cares what you're doing.  Except the meter maid (who I spotted coming near my car when I had, in fact, skipped paying for parking for ten minutes whilest I took these shots so I had to book it out of there!).  The meter maid doesn't care what the eff you are doing, but he/she will not forget to leave you a nice little reminder to pay the damn parking meter if you don't.  Trust.

Purple Jeans-Hot Kiss, gifted; White Tee-Mudd; Silver Blazer-Europa, gifted; Watercolor Heels-BCBG, gifted; Necklaces-Kohl's and Wal-Mart; Watch-gifted; Ring-Encore; Broach-vintage from Grandma

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