September 4, 2011

Re Uniting

Music Playlist at

Today was my family's reunion.  We have not had one in a while.  It was so much fun.  I love my family!

My family is so awesome that we had a live local band, Places, play for us.  They are A-MAZING.  Seriously, if you get a chance, check them out.  Really great guys as well.  Thanks again!

Sad news, though.  Not many pictures today.  My brave, chivalrous photographer got stung by a bee while we were taking these photos (what IS IT with us lately?!?!?!), so we had to cut it short.  Oh well.  Have a great Labor Day/Monday tomorrow everyone!

Sweater-thrifted; Skirt-gifted; Boots-F21; Necklaces-Kohl's and vintage from Grandma; Ring-Department of Clothing; Earrings-vintage from Grandma

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