April 29, 2011

Black Water

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Day two of the rust. I think that rust gets a bad rep. The word in and of itself seems kinda negative. When you hear "rust", you automatically think old, dingy, used up, nonfunctional. In reality, rust is an amazing color! I know, I know, it is usually reserved for fall, but since our weather can't make up its mind, I reserve the right to wear whatever colors I feel like.

This 70's rust dress was just another fabulous find down at Rockin Robins. I liked the dress on its own, but added the leopard top underneath for a hint of color and pattern. These shoes. are. amazing. When I got these booties, they took some getting used to. But now, I'm a natural in them. And yes, another ring snag. God I love these rings!

You know what can totally make someone's day? A random, nice comment to a complete stranger. I got one today on this outfit. I love when that happens! It really makes a girl feel good to know that someone is paying attention. It doesn't have to be an outfit comment. You can hold the door open the door for someone, smile at them, or just pick a feature and go with it. I told the girl in the office next door the other day that I liked her haircut. I've never talked to this woman before, but I see her everyday. I love making people feel good. It makes me feel good. Try it today!

Sunnies-Elle for Kohl's; Leopard top-unknown; Dress-Vintage from Rockin Robins; Shoes-Charlotte Russe; Bag-Coach, gifted from Andrea; Earrings, Bracelets and Ring-Kohl's

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