May 1, 2011

Feelin' Way Too Damn Good

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First of all, let me say that this was a big moment for me. Patrick took these pictures. He has been offering to do it, but I . . . wasn't ready. It felt awkward at first; I couldn't stop smiling! I looked kinda goofy in some, but the others turned out pretty good.

I wore this last night to go see some friends of mine perform in their band. I have been with these guys a long time and have been a fan for a couple years now. If you are into metal, they are Avidity to End and play northern Colorado. A great show! I love watching people live out their dreams and harness their creativity. Plus, it's always good to see everyone.

Beaded headband-Claire's; Earrings-Wal-Mart; Aviator sunnies-my son's ;-); Leather vest worn as dress-Rockin Robins; Blue top-Elle for Kohl's; Tights-Wal-Mart; Boots-F21; Belt-unknown; Bracelets-Vintage; Ring-little shop downtown (I swear I'm gonna find out the name of it soon); Bag-Coach, gifted from Andrea;

These bracelets are very special to me. The blue butterfly one was my mom's when she was a teenager. The bamboo one was the first thing I ever bought with my own hard earned money. I was working at my parents' friend's rock, jewelry and art store in Lyons when I was 13. I got paid half in cash and half in store credit. I loved the earthy feel and lightness of this bracelet.

This. leather. vest. I fell in love with it. It actually comes with a cute minidress (both 70's), but I'm not wearing it here. When I bought it, Robin said, "you can wear it as a dress too". That woman can read my mind like none other. I felt very Boulder in this outfit.

Boulder, in case you are not familiar with Colorado tidbits, is a very hippie college town. I work there. It is pretty cool. Honestly, I prefer Denver, but Boulder is cool in that there are a lot of little shops (Pearl Street Mall)and people are pretty laid back.

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