May 30, 2011

They Call Me Mellow Yellow Lemon and Lime Challenge

 Earrings-gifted by sister
Skirt-gifted by sister
Belt-Elle for Kohl's
Pumps-Vera Wang

O me gersh, I forgot about the exciting challenge I am taking up this week.  Geez, you go on one camping trip and loose all priorities.  This week, I am participating in  Fruits Week and today is Lemon LimeI can't get away with most of my plans for this challenge as they are a little much for work, but I am doing it to try to gear myself up for a colorful summer!  FINALLY!!!! 

*Sidenote-I totally meant to add my perfect new yellow bag to this outfit but forgot it on the rush out the backdoor and since camping has made my laz-o-meter a little high, I am just going without.  Imagination is a wonderful tool ;-)
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