May 9, 2011

Where It's At

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All the complaining I have done about longing for spring and bare legs and here I am wearing tights! I was ok with it. For whatever reason, I am always cold and even though it was a gorgeous, sunny day, the A/C was blaring at le office so it worked out.

I got these shorts and top together on a shopping trip with Tina and Ginestra. Ginestra had asked Tina and I to take her shopping. She is a great girl and very cute. She is a t-shirt and jeans girl typically and wanted us to help her step outside her box. It was so much fun. I also scored this Guess bag there that same day. I love shopping trips that end up feeling as productive as it is enjoyable.

Top and shorts-Ross
Bag-Guess for Ross
Earrings and cuff-gifted from mom

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