May 14, 2011

Walk This Way

Music Playlist at

Brown Long Sleeved Top-Kohl's

Today was the MS Walk. Pat's mom has MS and his family goes every year. Unfortunately, Patrick couldn't make it because he had drill for the reserves (he is in the Air Force). It sounds kind of dumb to say that I "made" this headband. It was a last minute throw together. In all honesty, it is the bottom half of this t-shirt that I cut up. We all have to start somewhere . . .

After a chilly but good walk with Pat's family, I hit a Perfect Storm in thrifting. It was fantastic because it was so random and off the cuff. The first stop was Savvy Seconds. I was fortunate enough to find this adorable little jumpsuit (yes they are pants!) there. When I went there, everything was $1.

Can you believe the detailing on the back? I was so comfortable wearing this jumpsuit that when I went to the store, I had one of those moments where I found myself in a minor state of alarm wondering if I had forgotten to get dressed. I am going to unveil my other fantastic finds through the week. Hint: it will involve an entire store being half off, fantastic Balinese pieces and SEQUINS. I can't wait!

Sequin beret-Rockin Robins
Earrings and watch-gifted

PS-I know a couple of these pictures are quite fuzzy, but Patrick took pictures for me and he was so cute and helpful, that despite the questionable quality, I am going to add them anyways. It's the thought that counts. ;-) I love you honey!

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