May 24, 2011

School's Out!

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It's official. Summer vaca for the kiddos has officially begun! I now am the proud mama of a first grader and a fifth grader. *Tear* As any other parent knows, once it is summer vaca for the kids, that means summer vaca for parents too. The homework, the parent teacher conferences, the field trips, the lunch packing--man school is hard work!

Apparently, (and unknowingly) I decided to celebrate the end of my boys' school year by dressing as matronly and teachery as possible. The weather had a relapse and went from bright, sunny and warm to (again) cold, dark and damp. The day went from drizzle to downpour to drizzle to hail to mist. However, my heart is with those in the states/cities affected by the recent tornadoes. With tragedies like this, it makes you feel so sad for those affected, but so fortunate that the biggest annoyance you have is having to constantly adjust the wiper speed in your car. So, I decided to wear my very warm (but very itchy) wool skirt and tights to deal with the chill.

Tomorrow, be sure to catch me on The Hotness Your Momma Warned You About where I will be guest blogging for Angie while she celebrates turning the big 3-0.

By the way, maybe it's just me or maybe it's the looming three day weekend, but this week is taking foreva eva to go by!

Cropped Sweater-gifted from mom
Black Top-unknown
Wool Skirt-vintage from Rockin Robins
Footless tight-Kohl's
Earrings-Made by Brynn ;-) (Patrick's niece)
Cuff and Ring-Kohl's
Broach-gifted from mom from garage sale

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