May 5, 2011


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Happy Cinco de Mayo all! I don't know why, but I decided that I would celebrate this holiday today with a Spanish inspired skirt and a flower in my hair. Don't ask why. It just felt right.

I'm not Hispanic (though I have been asked if I am many times), but I feel it is important to celebrate all cultures. Especially if yummy Mexican food and pretty skirts are involved!

It's always so funny when I wear flats. It confuses people because I am more often than not sporting heels. I usually get a reaction like I did today: "wow, you're wearing flats! You're really . . . short." Ha. Aaaaaaaand, yes, I am aware of how blinding my legs are at the moment. Well we all have differences. If we didn't, how boring would that be? Take, for example, my man hands below which I use to showcase another lovely ring from that shop downtown. I will make it my weekend goal to figure out the name of this store once and for all!

Top and Belt-Elle for Kohl's
Skirt-Speechless, gifted by sister
Bracelet-Clif's rock shop ages ago
Ring-from little shop downtown (which I still have not researched the name of . . . sorry about that)
Flats-Piper & Blue for KMart

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