May 11, 2011

Wild Flower-EBEW Florals

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Of course, I get all excited about my first EBEW and I get sick. What started as an annoying sniffle and scratchy throat in the morning turned into a high fever, chills, stuffed up nose and very tender throat come afternoon. That is why this post is late. Once I got home, I went straight to bed.

It's very ironic that I wore this dress yesterday because it was my sister's and I went to her graduation ceremony from college last night (yes, that is how much I adore my sister, I will go to her ceremony bent over in my chair clearing my throat and blowing my nose every five minutes). This was originally her dress, then she gave it to me after she had her second baby, then she wanted it back, then I had my mom steal it back for me. :-/ She didn't mind. That's what sisters are for right?

Jacket-Miley Cyrus for Wal-Mart
Dress-City Triangle, stolen from borrowed from gifted by sister ;-)
Booties-Apt. 9
Earrings and cuff-gifted by mom

Florals | Everybody, Everywear

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