May 23, 2011

Three Days, Three Ways-Dancing Queen

Music Playlist at

Top-thrifted from Hope's Store House
Blazer-gifted from my mom
Shorts-Paris Blues, gifted from sister
Trouser socks-Wal-Mart
Bag-Del Conte, gifted
Sunnies-Elle for Kohl's

*in very low late night radio d.j. tone* Alright, now ladies. It's time for our reeeeeeeemix. (cue end of radio tone) Okay, it's me again. Today I am making three outfits out of my disco ball top. I love this top. I know it's more of an evening top, but I just can't resist the way that it sparkles in the lovely sunlight. And at this point, anything that can harness the glorious rays of the sun is a-okay in my book.

Top-thrifted from Hope's Super Store
Red Jeans-thrifted from Rockin Robins
Ballet Flat-Wal-Mart
Bangle-gifted from mom
Sunnies-Elle for Kohl's

I had a lot of fun styling this sparkly little number. Actually, my sister picked out this second outfit for me a long time ago and told me to put it on my blog. She probably think I vetoed it or forgot about it, but oh no sis! I told you I would and actually I really love it. Thanks Peeps!

Top-thrifted from Hope's Store House
Cropped Pants-Rebecca Taylor, thrifted from Saavy Seconds
Clutch-Candies for Kohl's
Bangle-gifted from mom

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