May 8, 2011

Dear Mamas

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Today I am veering slightly from my regularly scheduled fashion focused programming and focusing on mothers. I am fortunate enough to have many wonderful mothers in my life.

I told you that I was going to have a jam packed weekend, right? Well, every mother's day for our family starts at 7 or so in the morning to get ready and be down at Washington Park in Denver. Every Mother's Day is the Spina Bifida walk. My oldest niece, Anya, was born with Spina Bifida. She has surpassed every possible limit and is such a blessing.

Of course, my day started off with my favorite mom-my own! She came over at 7 in the morning to make her famous chocolate chip pancakes before going to the walk. My mom has been a huge inspiration, a pillar of strength and such a warm, loving, caring and thoughtful person. She's the kind of mom that still clips out pizza coupons for me, finds a fantastic sewing machine for my boyfriend to give me for mother's day (I am so excited to figure out how to use it!) and nags me about taking a daily dose of Emergen-C. I love her so much. And isn't she adorable?

A close second to the Best Mother Ever award to my mother goes to my amazing sister. She is such a hard working, loving, loyal and sweet person. I know my nieces would not be the wonderful little lovebugs they are today without her.

Of course, I am also reminded this Mother's Day of my mom's mom, my Grandma Wagner. I am a lot like her. She was a legal assistant in her day, loved family, baking, dancing and she was an absolutely glamorous woman. She had amazing style as well. Doesn't she resemble Elizabeth Taylor? She passed away seven years ago and I miss her more and more everyday.

My other grandmother, Gramma Marlys, recently passed away not even a month ago. She raised my dad and his three brothers. Nothing got passed her and she had an amazing sense of humor. Her laugh was infectious and I miss her so much.

I am very lucky to have mothers in my family that I am not related to by blood. My boyfriend Patrick's mother and sister are truly amazing women. They are strong, funny and very good people. My brother's girlfriend and her mom have been a very important part of my family as well.

And my cousin Tina can face any challenge or struggle that she comes across. She loves her little "pups" so very much.

And of course I would not even have the honor of celebrating this joyous holiday without the amazing gift of my three beautiful, smart, sweet, charismatic, wonderful children. I am astounded about how they teach me that I am still learning everyday. I love to be able to see the world through their eyes. They are all three different people with their own characteristics, but so united at the same time. Jon Kaden, Conner Thomas and Brielle Sue--I love you to the moon. Thank you for the privilege of letting me call you mine.

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