May 22, 2011

Garden Grove

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I knew when I picked up these overalls at the thrift store last weekend that they would immediately become a member of my Love Em or Hate Em Collection. Overalls really seem to have an adverse effect on most people. They are typically made for the elementary school student or some kind of hillbilly woman who collects porcelain cows. So, since I am in the Love Em side of the collection, I knew I had to put something together with these overalls that said "yes, I know I am a twenty nine year old woman wearing floral detailed overalls . . . deal with it!"

I got these overalls during the Everything's a Dollar special at the thrift store this last weekend. After surveying many females I am close to, I got the reaction that Michelle gave that manager at the Family Dollar when she was interviewing for the position. I'm ok with that.

When I ordered this sheer top from F21, I loved it more when I got it than I remember loving it in my virtual shopping cart. And these heels pinch my feet . . . but I love them.

Overalls-Blue Sky, thrifted
Cuff-gifted from mom
Sunnies-Elle for Kohl's

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