May 3, 2011

Three Ways Three Days with Robin-The Unveiling-Printed Sundress

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Drumroll please . . . Baaaaaaaarrrrrruuuuuuuuummmmmmmmm . . .

I know you have been waiting with breath that is bated for my grand idea. You may not know this (ok odds are that you don't know this), but I am a big fan of remixing. Something with making the old new again just sings to my heart. My favorite part of InStyle magazine is the part where they do three outfits for one central piece. Another one of my favorite style bloggers Jessica does it sometimes in her posts.

As much as I love a good remix, I also love the number three. I have good luck with three (I have three kids!). Soooooo I have chosen to celebrate the number three. Each month on the 3rd, 13th and 23rd of each month, I am going to take one central piece of my wardrobe and mix it into three separate outfits. I am also hoping that this will help me appreciate the clothes that I already have that much more as well. Remixing is essential to style lovers on a budget, such as myself.

So here are three ways that I wore my leopard sundress.

70's leopard sundress-Rockin Robins
Red Scarf (worn as shawl)-Kohl's
Sunnies-Elle for Kohl's

I imagine wearing this on one of the rare occasions that Patrick and I get to go out on a date. I imagine that we are going to a Mexican restaurant (that is where we had our first date after all) and we are going dancing afterwards. I imagine walking around downtown (anywhere downtown) in the moonlight, listening to a guy play a saxaphone and aimlessly wondering from little store to little store.

70's leopard dress (worn as a skirt)-Rockin Robins
Zip up white blouse-Rags Consignment
Red belt-Rockin Robins
Bag-Del Conte, gifted from Andrea
Shoes-Mootsies Tootsies

I wore this to work today. I felt very modern office chic in it. Maybe not court appearance appropriate, but definitely minimal client contact tying loose ends at the desk appropriate. And the length of the dress/skirt gave the severity of the vintage stripes a little more purr and less roar. (Pun intended)

70's leopard dress-Rockin Robins
Chambray shirt-Wal-Mart
Bag-Daisy Fuentes for Kohl's
Sunnies-Elle for Kohl's
Cuff and Earrings-Kohl's

A day with the girls. Ok, not quite as glamorous as Vida Boheme would have done, but I imagine going out with my favorite friends (who, coincidentally love that movie, but are not ladies) for some dinner on the patio of our favorite restaurant and then doing some light shopping on 16th Street. I love how the chambray shirt (told ya you'd see it again!) gives this racy little vintage sundress a casual vibe. And the bag adds a little touch of color without being over the top.

And speaking of friends, my bestie Matty and I were on the phone last night and he suggested that I put my outfit details in list format to make it easier to read and I promised him I would give it a test drive tonight. What do you think? Proof that I take criticism and suggestions seriously. I won't change who I am, but do want to take others' opinions into serious consideration. Any feedback is welcome always so long as it is constructive.

I really enjoyed this self-challenge or shallenge if you're into the whole brevity thing. Looking forward to the 13th!

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