May 21, 2011

A Nice Little Saturday

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First of all, I adore this song. It is the perfect chillaxin song. Second, I almost thought I was hallucinating when I saw the sun was out today. Third, I wanted to be the first to tell you all that I have officially survived the rapture. *rolling eyes*

Today was such a nice little Saturday. I got to pick up my younger kids from their dad's so they could join in a goodbye party for my older son's best friend. His friend is moving to Texas and has been Kaden's best friend for about five years. It was kind of bittersweet. The party was at the park, so I dropped the boys off there for the party (it is so strange when your kids get to the age where you no longer join them in these parties) and my daughter and I ran around all over and did some errands.

Having one on one girl time with my daughter is so special. It doesn't happen that often. Among getting my son, Conner's extra pair of glasses fixed (they got broken over Mother's Day weekend and his vision is 20/200 so, yeah, they needed to get fixed), buying my older son a new cell phone (his other one came victim to the washing machine) and various other little things, we got to enjoy a nice lunch together at Panera, shop around Claire's and spend time talking in the car. She is four and getting to such a fun, girly age. I loved oogling over earrings (I'm trying to get her to muster up the courage to get her ears pierced still), lip glosses and handbags.

Jacket-Levi's, ooooooold
Top and culottes-Aeropostale
Footless tights-Kohl's
Ballet flats-Wal-Mart

Also, you will be proud to know that I finally figured out the name of that shop downtown where I get all my rings. It is called Encore. They specialize in furnishings and do home stagings. But they also have tons of adorable accessories. I told the woman that I couldn't stay long. Pay day is still over a week off and there were so many more adorable rings there that my brain was going into fashion overload.

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