May 4, 2011

An Ode to Fashion Blogging

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The idea for this post and picture came honestly and purely from my excitement for this new endeavor of starting my blog. It has only been a couple of weeks, but I have to say, I am glad I took the leap.

To be real, I was nervous to even conjure up the ability to put myself out for other people to see. I've heard other bloggers write in their blogs about how it seems a little narcissistic. But to other people who think that having a personal style blog are just girls showing off, I say nay.

To me, having a personal style blog is a hobby, an interest, a passion. I don't think it is any different to have a blog showcasing things that you like to wear anymore than others interested in cars, sports, photography, art or computers. The difference is that some of what style bloggers are interested in (we do have other hobbies and things to do, this is just one of them) are on their bodies rather than on the road, in the outfield or plugged in the wall. And that's ok. Be into what you are into. Be proud of what interests you.

I don't think the world would collapse if a few more women gain confidence within themselves. I commend blogs like Already Pretty who work to help women celebrate their own bodies by promoting positive body images. That's the thing that most intrigues me about other blogs. There is so much diversity in the style blogging world. In this tiny sphere of the internet, you can find women of all shapes, sizes, colors, ages and backgrounds; some buying vintage and some buying designer brands.

And the best part of these women, I've found is how wonderfully genuine this community is. I have gotten such kind words and support from many of these women such as The Fashionista Next Door, Haiku Ambulance, 26 and Counting, Jean Greige, A Reason to be Fabulous, Another Day to Dress Up, Big Girl. Small Budget. Tiny Town, Closet Confections, Blonde Bedhead, Pixie in Pumps, What I Wore andTick Tock Vintage. I was so nervous to write each of them. Not only did I get really sweet responses, but I a lot of support. I want to thank each of them so much!

But, today I am taking my photos out in the open. In other words, I am in front of my house. All vulnerable. I have been struggling with the thought of taking my photos from the privacy of my backyard into the great wide open. I know it's just my yard, but it was a big step for me. I kept thinking I would get the sensation people were looking at me like "who is this freak taking pictures of herself on her way to work?". But I didn't. I took the fabulous advice from Laura. I had been talking with her about being camera shy and she wisely gave me the advice of starting small. She was right! I could do it!

Skirt-Heart Soul
Heels-Mossimo for Target
Cuff and Earrings-Kohl's

So, to wrap up--thank you to everyone who has helped me to get everything going. Including my wonderful boyfriend who has supported me from post one. ;-) Including all my family members that patiently and enthusiastically support me. Thank you to my kids that make me laugh and unconditionally love me. Thank you to my friends that have shown me the love as well. I really am enjoying myself and feeling so blessed.

On a separate note, an attorney in our office, B., who is the coolest guy (a mid 60's New Yorker) said I looked very "nautical" today. (Obligatory reference to my outfit) I was so proud of him!

We're halfway through the week, guys!

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