May 26, 2011


Apparently, Bloglovin does not like when I have the music first and makes a ghetto thumbnail, so I am trying it this way instead and give 'er a test run this way. What do you think? Cheesy or workable?

Music Playlist at

I chose this song because I am doing something very brave this weekend. I have agreed to go camping with Patrick, the kids and some friends of ours. Doesn't sound very brave does it? Well, let me just tell you a) this is real camping. Like in a tent camping. Like no bathroom or anything whatsoever, b) I have not been real camping for seeeeeeveral years. Good for me, I've got a great, military man who takes these things into consideration and gets things like air mattresses, solar showers (has anyone ever used one of these? do they really work?) and other conveniences to ease me in. ;-)

And now for my first eva eva AWKWARD AND AWESOME THURSDAY contribution:

It is awkward when your boyfriend catches you in the action of a personal dance party consisting of you, Lady Gaga and Beyonce, made more awkward when your ten year old son starts mocking your dance moves perfectly.  It is awesome to have your own dance party with Lady Gaga and Beyonce, namely when Elton John makes an appearance.  

It is awkward when you are at an awards ceremony for your son on steel bleachers with your four year old daughter next to you who decides to relentlessly fart in the middle of a silent moment so everyone looks at you with shock and disgust.  It is awesome to laugh uncontrollably about it afterwards.

It is awkward when a client asks you if this is your natural hair color.  It is awesome to answer after said client has left the office and is out of earshot, "yeah, this is my natural color, my mother is a My Little Pony, so I am genetically predisposed to magenta hair."

It is awkward to run and jump on a shopping cart although you do not have your kids in the cart with you.  It is awesome to run and jump on a shopping cart even though you do not have your kids in the cart with you.  ;-)   

Blank Tank-gifted by sister
Sheer watercolor Top-Kohl's
Tiered Pencil Skirt-Kohl's
Elephant Belt-vintage from Rockin Robins
Earrings and Necklace-Wal-Mart
(Wow, just realized I am wearing a lot of Kohl's today . . .)

Have a great weekend everyone!  I'll be tentin' it, so out for a couple days getting some much needed R & R, hopefully with minimal bug contact and styling withdrawal.  Wish me luck!

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