September 10, 2015

Thursday Mixer--White Tulle Skirt

When I decided to do a Thursday Mixer about the white tulle skirt I was sure that I would have a lot of posts to reference, and I was right, but the interesting thing is that I found out I have only had this skirt for TWO YEARS!  I feel like I've had it for much, much longer.  Although I didn't realize that I needed a tulle skirt until after I started blogging (long after apparently), I certainly have made good use of it.  And while I will miss it at my new job, I will certainly be styling it in the off hours when I can.

I actually own three white tulle skirts--one I ordered off of eBay, this one from Anthropology that I found thrifting and a shorter one (also from thrifting).  But the most expensive one (eBay) was still only $10.  So if you use that figure and take into account the 12 times I've worn one of those on this blog, the price per wear of a white tulle skirt sits at less than $1.  So basically you need one too.

Top Left to Right--1, 2, 3, 4, Now, 6
Bottom Left to Right-- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 

Pink Sequined Tube Top-vintage
Black Leather Jacket-Target
White Tulle Skirt-thrifted
Black Combat Boots-L.E.I.
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