May 21, 2014

Mission #33, Day 3

This totally thrifted look for Mission Week was another fave of mine maternity wise.  At first, I wasn't big on it because, well, I felt really . . . big.  But after I looked at these photos, I was actually really pleased with the look. 

You know what is not so fun about toting a newborn around?  The presence of an adorable newborn apparently gives strangers the impression that you have no idea what you're doing.  And because you don't know what you're doing, they feel obligated to tell you how to do things.

One of the most annoying things I hear is the shock and dismay when we take Reilly out of the house at all.  GASP!  "He's how old?!?  And you brought him here?!?"  Lady, it's Sprouts, not a Ludicris concert.  Don't worry, we've cleared taking him out of his bubble before attempting such a dangerous excursion.

Or Friday last week when my daughter was being honored with her third Academic All-Star Award this year and Reilly, Conner and I went to go see her.  The kids wanted to show their classmates their new brother, so we walked out to each of their lines for about two minutes each.

We went to head back to the car when we were stopped by a woman who asked me how old Reilly was.  "10 days," I responded proudly.  A look of shame washed over her face.  "OMG!  Cover his head!!!" she demanded.  Keep in mind, Reilly was swaddled in a thick blanket, fully dressed (with a little jacket) and it was 60 degrees out.

Look people, this isn't my first time at the rodeo.  I love my kids.  I will do anything for them and I take proper precautions to keep them safe at all times.  I haven't lost one yet.

Tulle Skirt-thrifted; Striped Shirt-thrifted; Denim Cropped Jacket-thrifted; Crocheted Tennies-Target; Earrings-Shane Co., gifted by Patrick; Necklace-Kohl's

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