January 16, 2015

Mission #49, Day 5

I didn't want to do the whole cliche Carrie Bradshaw in a tulle skirt look, but I did settle on this mint version from the very last episode of the Sex and the City tv series.   This look I couldn't fully recreate because I don't own a mint tulle skirt nor a fur muff and it was too freezing to wear open toed anything so . . .

I settled on switching the mint color from the skirt to the top, I kept the blazer from Carrie's original look, I switched out the heels for some oxfords (I figured Carrie would understand seeing as how they are silver and all) and traded the muff for a fur hat.

Of course to stay true to the storyline, I had to incorporate my name necklace as it is in that scene where Carrie finds her name necklace and therefor her sense of identity.  It was a dynamic point in the story.

Funny enough, I can thank that last episode for getting me hooked on SATC in the first place.  My bestie had a final episode party at his place.  I had never seen the show, but at that time in my life I was never one to turn down a party, so I went.  And watching the last episode in a room full of women (well . . . and Matt) with their group sighs when Carrie accepts the cigarette from her lovah's ex-wife to the sympathy when she steps in dog shit to her finding that necklace made me fall in love with the show.

And, of course, Matty owned every season on DVD so I borrowed them from him, watched them all in succession and wondered where the hell this show had been all my life.  There was no turning back from that point on.

And speaking of luck and identity, Fantasyard.com very kindly sent me this adorable elephant brooch a few weeks back.  Elephants are my favorite animal and when their trunks are up, it indicates luck.  Well as luck would have it, the company accidentally sent me two and when I contacted them they kindly let me use the extra to giveaway to one of you!  Feel free to enter for your chance to win below via Rafflecopter.  Deadline is one week from today--January 22, 2015.  Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

White Tulle Skirt-eBay; Mint Button Down Blouse-Style & Co., thrifted; White Blazer-Ann Taylor, thrifted; Silver Oxfords-thrifted; Fur Hat-Target; Necklace-c/o oNecklace; Elephant Brooch-c/o Fantasyard.com
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