Today is a recovery day in our household for sure. As I mentioned on Friday, the memorial service for my dear friend Bob was yesterday.
I cried. A lot. But I was trying to contain myself because I was there with my boss, his wife, two other officemates and several other colleagues (other attorneys, mediators, etc.). I didn't want to make a spectacle, but it was rough.
Fortunately, my boss Daryl was very nice and comforting. He told me that he was pretty sure that even after sharing an office with Bob for 26 years, I probably knew him better on a personal level. This made me very privileged to have had the relationship with Bob that I did.
While I was at the funeral, Patrick had taken the kiddos to a Diaper BBQ (i.e. couples baby shower). On my way home, a belt broke in my car. I lost the power steering and it started to overheat. (Damn you Mercury and your evil retrogradeing ways!!!)
Fortunately, I was only a few blocks from home when this happened. Since I couldn't meet Pat and the kids at the BBQ and was stuck at home, I decided to conquer lots of wedding DIY stuff.
As part of our wedding favors and just for extra cute detail, I am making fans in the shapes of mason jars (kind of like this) to put in the already decorated mason jars down the aisle at our wedding. Cute right? Well, we are expecting 150 guests. And I am making the fans out of foam board. I had to exacto knife 150 of those bitches out of foam board. My fingers are literally blistered from this task. But, I got them cut out and the rest is the easy and fun part--decorating them!
Also fortunate for me is that Patrick fixed my car (both the broken A/C and the belt). I even helped! (FYI-I count holding the flashlight and belt momentarily helping.) So ole Goldilocks is back in action. For now at least.
I am also very glad that Patrick and I are on this Insanity journey together. I was not remotely motivated to do it last night, but Patrick pulled me through it and I am so glad that I did. I have gained about three pounds doing the exercises, but I feel myself getting tighter in my muscles. Plus, I have been eating way more than I usually do--but in a good way. We're talking carrot sticks, apples and cheese.
We were stuck at home today but it was good. We played in the pool, we made Cloud Dough and my daughter hosted a birthday party for her stuffed cat. Which I attended. Six times.
I am not sure if I am quite ready for Monday. I am not really ready to see Daryl. The last time I saw him, my eyes were as red as the devil and glossy as a college student on a Saturday night.
And I am not ready to wake up at the crack of dawn and drop off my younger kids. When I drop them off tomorrow morning, I will not see them again for 11 days. And that is always sad.
But I am ready to move on and forth. Especially with wedding stuff. Patrick's to-dos include making a cake/cupcake stand. I want it to look like this. Wouldn'tchaknowit, he went out and got the wood today and has been working on it in the garage for the better part of the afternoon. Now that's something to look forward to--down time with the best fiance in the world!
I always adore it when you wear your hair like this - your entire look is youthful and fun.