June 27, 2011

Same Old Song and Dance

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

 I've come to find that there are several very advantageous reasons for taking my own outfit pictures outside . . .

For one, I have become a lot more confident with doing it.  I don't have to psych myself up to do them anymore and don't freak out when I see people coming up behind me wondering what the hell I am doing.

For example, in this picture I am admiring some cute little pups that were taking advantage of the cool water on this hot day.  Their owner motioned to me asking if she could come down and let her pups play in the pool. Unfortunately I talked to her for about three minutes about how cute her dogs were with no response from her.  I guess I should pay better attention because she had her ear buds in.  Woops . . . .  Who's the dumbass now?   Oh well . . .

Another great thing about taking my outfit pictures is that I get to explore what a wonderful landscape that I have literally right in my backyard that I never even explored before.  

This little creek is down the street from my house and I never even knew it was there.  Turns out, it is perfect for photos.

These high waisted, wide legged vintage sailor pants are my absolute faves.  I've worn them on here before.  My only concern is that when I wear them, I feel like I am wearing delicate China that my grandmother has had in the family for years and broke out only for Thanksgiving dinner because she didn't want anything to ever happen to them . . .

Coincidentally,  one of my favorite blogs of all time Calvintage talked about this exact situation in her post today as well . . .

Do you do this too?  Or are we the only two weirdos in this world?  ;-)

Sailor Pants-vintage
Denim Jacket-Levi's
Booties-Charlotte Russe

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