June 2, 2011

Hot in Her

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

I have some QT to spend with my wonderful boyfriend, so Imma make this short and sweet:

A) These pictures did not come out as nice as I'd hoped (it was a rushed morning), but I have been dying to show off this dress on this blog, so sorry. 

B) Baseball season is here.  It is the only sport that I love and especially so at my son's games.  Tonight was his first one and I proceeded to scream and cheer like a wild monkey the entire game.  I also wanted to scream cause it finally got hot today and I can now say it is officially (or not officially) summatime up in her!

C) I've been feeling a lot of bloglove happening lately.  I want to just say a quick thank you to everyone that has commented, followed me, stopped by or just given me a nice warm fuzzy about my blog lately.  It is really appreciated.  Lovelovelove!

Dress (worn as a skirt)-vintage

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